All work and no play make you a very dull Manager!



Here are some tips you can use to make a change right now:

Remember the character that played Lumberg in the movie “Office Space”? I think of him back when I was a few years out of college and had entry level positions. I was reporting to someone who made it their sole mission to deflate those around them to make themselves feel better.  Of course, these people end up being great teachers as we get more work experience.

One thing that truly stuck out early on is the managers I knew who inspired me to be the best I could be.  One of the most valuable traits I still carry with me today is emphasizing my sincere enthusiasm for what I do every single day.  Sharing your level of pure enjoyment is the most important thing you can do to motivate and inspire those around you.  Instead of complaining, always look for the silver lining with issues. A great example is looking at what isn’t working vs. what you can do to make something better.  Involve your team for input and suggestions. This stems accountability and builds rapport.

The second most important feature is showing others you not only work the hardest, but the smartest.  If you want your team to be inspired, show them with your actions what you can achieve when you strategically align your work day and prioritize as much as possible.  Teams will also work hard next to you and provide an “in the trenches” comradery with you.

The third and final is Setting the Bar High.  If you want your team to attain goals to further challenge their career, set goals for yourself and share them with the team; walk them through what steps you will take to get there and ask their thoughts on it.  Again, collaborating, sharing and being accountable are critical in order to build trust and transparency. Jayson Demers, Founder and CEO of Audience-Bloom recently wrote a great article in Inc. magazine called “6 Motivation Secrets to Inspire Your Employees.” One of these secrets is Leaders set the example.  Within any team, there are leaders and then are followers.  Be a leader and set the tone for your team!

So, after reading this, what areas do you think you can switch things up a bit to get you and your team kicked up a notch?